Science is all around us and we are always using and applying our skills and knowledge of it throughout our everyday lives. Whether you are eating or sleeping, brushing your teeth or washing your hair, baking a cake or buttering bread, running or walking and so on, you are always using and applying science.
You can share what scientific activities you have done or plan to do, via the year 2 email or through Seesaw, but you can also choose to take your learning in your own direction using some of the links and resources listed below.
During this half term we will be looking at living things in their habitats. Below are some suggested activities you could do:
- Create a fact file about an animal you are familiar with. Where do they live? What do they eat/drink? What might eat them?
- Have a look in your garden (or house) if you can spot anything that is living and try taking a closer look at it. How is this different to humans? Do some comparative writing to show similarities and differences between the two.
- Do your own research on an animal you know little about.
- Look in two different habitats (inside or outside) and observe the differences. Why might certain animals be suited to these?
- Choose a habitat and design a new, not-yet-discovered creature that could live in this habitat. Why is it suited to live here? What does it eat/drink?
- Research some simple food chains and see if you can try and make one with 5 layers to it.
Please see below for further resources.
Resources for w/c 01.02.2021