Admissions Committee
Our Admissions Committee consists of:
Mrs L Clayton, Mr D Hall, Mrs S Krige (and Mrs C Lormor co-opted).
The main role of the Admissions Committee is to review admission arrangements and determine statutory provisions regarding pupil admissions.
During the 2022-2023 academic year, this committee was responsible for agreeing admissions to the school with particular reference to the admission of children to our Reception Class.
·The committee reviews, on an annual basis, admissions arrangements and makes recommendations (including the school’s admission number and the area served by the school) to the full Governing Body.
·They consider and decide on applications for admissions to school, in accordance with the Admissions Policy, and relevant legislation and publish this information as required.
·They support the management and decisions in respect of in-ear admissions and ensure this information is published on our school website.
·At this committee the initial discussions regarding the annual Admission Arrangements takes place with feedback given to the Full Governing Body for their agreement to determine and publish these annually.