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Term/Holiday Dates

Regular attendance at school gives you the best possible start in life and prepares you for the future.  If your child is going to be absent from school, we request that you inform school by 9 am so that when registers are taken we are aware where your child is.  If your child is absent, we will need a reason from parent/carers as to why a child has not attended school. 


Daily attendance at school is very important.  We publish our school term/holiday dates as soon as they have been agreed with our Governing Body.  Please refer to these prior to booking holidays which include your child, and see our website section about attendance for further information, or contact our Headteacher Mrs Owen.


Our holiday patterns below have all been approved by our Governing Body as indicated.  In order to help our families to plan ahead, we attach attached the Lancashire Holiday Patterns when available which are replaced with our approved dates when available.
