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Standards and Effectiveness Committee

Our Standards and Effectiveness Committee consists of:


Mr D Frost (Chair); Rev K Hilsden (Clerk); Mrs J Owen and Mrs E Rounding


Standards and Effectiveness Committee:

The main function of this committee is to monitor progress, evaluate the achievement of the school and its pupils, as well as the quality of education provided.

Standards and Effectiveness Committee:


Annual Report to Parents 2022


 Standards and Effectiveness Committee Impact 2022-2023

  • There continues to be a period of recovery following the significant COVID disruption affecting all schools nationally.
  • Governors continue to understand the gravity of the difficulties encountered and continue to support the school, Headteacher and staff in the redirection of funding to support childrens learning together with further staff training and where appropriate and possible the addition of support teaching and in particular targeting the ongoing challenges of mathematics achievement.
  • Governors have embraced the appointment of an experienced Year 6 teacher and the re-organisation within the Senior Leadership Team.
  • Governors also fully recognise the difficulties encountered in respect of finance, diminishing budgets in real terms, and the further challenges in securing teaching assistants and staff alike either experienced or new as there is a mobility of people to other careers given the massive challenges within education throughout the country.
  • Governors also acknowledge the deepening challenges encountered due to the significant increase in SEN children and the impact this has upon all stakeholders, including the resources of finance and time; this is again a national challenge.
  • In consideration of the above the SEC Governors link well with the school’s other representing bodies, ie finance and curriculum, ensuring resource and funding are best directed to the point of need.
  • The School Improvement Plan provides a plan of action for the Governor’s regular meetings whereby Governors monitor progress made and understand the implementation of new teaching methodologies, all of which provides a record of success and accountability.  
  • The presentation of data in a simplified format, as well as School Improvement Priority updates from the Headteacher enables Governors to have a deeper (yet still anonymised) understanding of challenges faced within cohorts; Governors are able to see the impact of work which has taken place throughout the year and how this has impacted upon academic standards.
  • The presentation of Self Evaluation and the School Improvement Plan to Governors, enables Governors to be able to question more effectively, and informatively, as there is a deeper understanding of the assessment evaluation process which takes place within school.
  • It remains there are issues regarding increased absences [although these are generally below national averages]. Governors continue to support the Headteacher in managing this issue.
  • The Governors have a clear understanding of the School Improvement Priorities and in particular endorse the schools Key Priority 1 to: Further Improve outcomes, progress and standards throughout school with a particular focus upon English [Writing] and Mathematics.
  • In conclusion Governors continue to have a deeper understanding of children and staff needs and are aware of the increasing difficulties and pressures placed upon staff; Governors are very much aware of budget pressures and the further impact this has upon the ability to address the school’s key priorities.