Statutory Testing in Year 1
Each year in June the phonics screening check is undertaken. This phonics screening check is a check of your child’s phonics knowledge. It helps school confrm whether your child is making the progress expected in the national curriculum. In 2024, the check will take place during the week commencing Monday 10 June. With some exceptions, all pupils who have reached the age of 6 by the end of the school year must take the check during that academic year. For most, this will be in year 1. This includes pupils registered at maintained nursery schools who will reach the age of 6 before the end of the school year and have completed the year 1 programme of study. What if my child does not reach the standard in year 1? If a pupil does not meet the expected standard at the end of year 1, a programme of support should be put in place and their teacher will consider a re-take in year 2.