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Curriculum and Pupil Welfare Committee

Our Curriculum and Pupil Welfare Committee consists of:


Mr D Frost (Chair); Mrs S Krige (Clerk); Mrs J Owen, Mrs R Stone, Mrs L Goodwin, Rev B Clayton and Mr S Westwood.


Curriculum and Pupil Welfare Committee


The main function of this committee is to ensure that the school curriculum meets statutory requirements and obligations, while monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the curriculum and pupil welfare.


outline of the impact identified by the Governing Board during the Academic Year 2022-2023 is given below:


Curriculum and Pupil Welfare Committee

  • Establishment and clear responsibilities of the committee achieved, along with agreement of Terms of Reference and acknowledgement of the need to increase the number of committee members in order to more effectively support curriculum development.
  • Attendance Policy clarity and understanding of the challenges being faced in school in respect of pupil absence (unauthorised and authorised) and the impact this can has upon pupils’ learning.
  • Governor visits: clearer focus and timescales for Governors in respect of Standards and Effectiveness/Cohort Governors with improvements planned for Governor visits.
  • The Arts Mark Gold Award; Primary Science Quality Mark (Gilt) and PE Awards provide external recognition of effectiveness of the wide curriculum offer at Brinscall St Johns as well as acknowledging the hard work and achievements of the staff and pupils.
  • Policy awareness and understanding has improved with positive feedback given regarding new procedures where curriculum policies are shared with the nominated Governor prior to this committee and feedback shared.
  • School Improvement key priorities and the effect of mental health education linked to pupil voice feedback and acknowledgement by this committee how wonderful that the whole child’s well-being is being nourished.
  • Bullying policy updated and agreed.
  • All other policies shared with the nominated Governors
  • Linking the Vision and Values Committee updates into the Curriculum Committee through ensuring vision impacts upon curriculum planning.
  • Agreeing the school week hours are in line with the new requirements of 32.5 hours per week for all pupils.
  • Agreeing the purchase of the Great Teaching Programme in line with the current needs of the school.
  • Agreeing the new school report format and noting the reviewed homework format for 2023-2024.
  • Impact of staff well-being through school report format, homework, and maths recording meeting the needs of the parents and child whilst making it less onerous on the staff