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Finance and Staffing Committee

Our Finance and Staffing Committee consists of:


Mr A Crompton (Chair); Mr A Holding (Clerk); Mrs J Owen, Mr D Frost; Mrs K Hilsden; Mr S Westwood and Mr A Lewis

Finance and Staffing: The main function of this committee is to oversee the financial performance
of the school and makes sure its money is well spent.


An outline of the impact from this committee during the Academic Year 2022-2023 is given below:


  • The Governors have worked with the school to achieve the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) accreditation. This standard helps our school to ensure that we meet the basic standards recommended by the government for good financial health and resource management as well benchmarking our school against others for continual improvement. 
  • Close links between the Finance and Staffing Committee has been maintained with other committees in order to manage the effective management of the budget. This has included budgeting to inform capital and operating expenditure; supporting financial decisions to maintain a well-balanced budget and the management of finances to enable the provision of all employees within school to support our children and maintain a high quality of education.
  • Working with the Buildings and Health & Safety Committee in progressing the Decarbonisation project to develop sustainable energy solutions against backdrop of increasing energy prices.
  • Governors monitor staff well-being, motivation and opportunities for professional development.
  • Responsibilities of this committee also includes the monitoring and discussions linked to: staffing (linked to standards, and attainment); capital funding (for larger more costly projects); maintenance costs (to keep our building safe); letting and contract reviews etc.
  • Monitoring the effective management of the budget; set the school budget for the financial year and monitor the use of additional grants and funds to support children to overcome barriers to learning (including Pupil Premium, PE and Sports Premium and High Needs). This also includes long-term and short-term budget planning to manage the school funds. This committee considered, and approved, a 3-year budget forecast, taking into review of ways to save money and maximise efficiency and performance have been put into place.
  • The positive impact of the earlier decision to invest in IT equipment has been acknowledged and provided improved performance, increased resilience and improved wellbeing of all users.
  • This committee also monitors the best application of income which is received for specific purposes, including the PE and Sports Grant and Pupil Premium and makes links to other committees (Curriculum and Standards and Effectiveness) to determine the impact of this spending.
  • Governors monitor staff recruitment, performance and pay reviews and the school appraisal cycle, enabling our Governors to monitor the correlation between the quality of teaching, pupil outcomes and other priority indicators and salary progression. Our Governors take the view that maintaining a high staff to pupil ratio is one of the key elements for a successful school.
  • Financial Policy reviews have been undertaken, which include the school’s Pay Policy, thus ensuring accountability, transparency, objectivity and fairness for our staff team.
  • Consideration is given to changes to budget provisions and factors likely to affect the budget in future years. In this way, we are able to forecast ahead and plan for possible contingencies
  • Transparency provided to Governing Body of the financial challenges over the next few years and agreement of the financial strategy to manage costs prudently without impacting standards or the mental wellbeing of staff. The Finance Committee agreed that the priorities for funding decisions align with those of the Full Governing Body in supporting children; staff and maintaining vision and standards and which will require continued careful budget management.
  • Sustaining the integrity of the vision of Brinscall St John’s within the level of staffing and 2022/2023 budget is a key achievement by the school leadership and staff.