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PSHE Statement of Intent

At Brinscall St John’s we understand the importance of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education and how these life skills can be developed whilst creating strong and appropriate relationships in our lives too.  We appreciate the wide scope of PSHE and the many aspects of our day-to-day lives this encompasses, which enables us to develop a nurturing and supportive environment in our school where children and adults can grow and develop skills that can be used throughout their lives.


Our PSHE curriculum aims to develop a vast range of skills that children can apply and depend on throughout their lives, whilst complimenting and enhancing what they have already learnt. Children will be encouraged to ask questions and seek a deeper understanding of key life issues such as money, drugs, finances, physical activity and diet and also the importance and appropriateness of relationships with others. We aim to develop a safe and comfortable learning environment where children are comfortable to ask questions and follow their curiosities.


We hope children develop a firm and mature understanding of the world they live in and continue to explore their own questions and curiosities whilst learning.  We believe all children require and are entitled to the basic understanding of the world they live in and should be equipped with skills to approach challenges and obstacles they will inevitably face throughout their journey through life.

Mental Health Ground Rules

Spirituality in PSHE
