Our Vision and Values Committee consists of:
Rev K Hilsden (Chair); Mr L Goodwin (Clerk); Mrs J Owen, , Mrs S Krige, Rev B Clayton and Mr D Frost
The main function of this committee is to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
During the Academic Year 2022-2023 the Vision and Values Committee have:
- Support for the Headteacher with the self-review documents and preparation for SIAMs through the review of our Christian Mission, Vision and Governance Structure.
- Support of school through the monitoring of the school website and publication to ensure the schools theologically rooted Christian vision is expressed and enhanced in publications.
- Deepening understanding of equality, diversity within our Mission, Vision and Aims.
- Use of learning walks to engage with children and discuss what they have covered in RE & worship ascertaining their voice about these areas.
- Collective worship review provided Governors with a very clear understanding through pupil voice on the impact of worship
- Very clear structure has been developed to link worship planning which is specific to the needs of our children.
- Updated visions and values and aims statement to reflect and imbed diversity.
- Joint projects between Churches and School have continued.
- The role of Shining Flames group has continued to be valued.
- Celebration through John Wesley Letting Our Light Shine Award Worship, where many children were nominated to receive a certificate as they were felt to have shown unique ways to live out Christian Values, as well as the words from John Wesley. This year, well over 50 Certificates were presented to individuals, groups and classes.