Brinscall St John's is a school for boys and girls from 4 – 11 years of age. We are a single form entry school with a published admission number of 30 for each year group.
Our Admissions Arrangements for the current academic year, and the following year, can be viewed by clicking on the 'Admissions Arrangements' icon above. From 1 September 2021 our Admission Arrangements for September 2021-22 and September 2022 onwards were amended to reflect the changed content in the amended School Admissions Code, which came into force on 1 September 2021.
Our Admissions Arrangements for September 2025 are now determined.
Our Admissions Arrangements for September 2025 are available to view by clicking on the Admission Arrangement documents below. Our Admission Arrangements document also contains the supplementary form should you wish your church attendance to be considered as part of your application for our school.
We hold an open afternoon each autumn term for new starter parents. Please contact Mrs Owen ( to discuss this further, or to arrange a separate visit if preferred.
If your child is currently below school age and you wish to put their name down on our list and we will advise you of our arrangements relating to admission and finding out more about our school. Alternatively, if you feel you would prefer a more personalised viewing/discussion please contact us to make an appointment.
You will hopefully be able to find out more about our school by looking through our latest brochure. This can be viewed by downloading it from our 'About Us' signpost on the website homepage.