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School policies cover every aspect of school life. Please find below many of the statutory policies we have in school, along with many others which we feel might be helpful/useful for reference.


Our Equality Information and Objectives Policy contains our school's equality objectives.


You will find our Curriculum Policies (for example subject areas) within a separate part of our website.  Please go to the home page and choose the sign post 'Key Information' followed by 'Curriculum'. Within this area you will find a range of subject areas and additional information about our curriculum.


Our Admissions Arrangements (and In-Year Admissions Arrangements) can be found within the Admissions area of our website, by clicking on the signpost 'About Us' then 'Admissions'.


If you are unable to locate the policy you are looking for, please ask the school office ( who will either email a digital copy or provide a paper copy for you.


If you would like to read these policies in a different coloured background and text, please download the instructions on how to do this in Adobe Reader by clicking upon the document at the bottom of all the policies.
